Morning Medical Update Monday 3-3-25

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Jill Chadwick

News Director

Office: (913) 588-5013

Cell: (913) 223-3974


Kansas City, Kan- Kristin Baker, an ultrasound tech, discovered her ovarian cancer during a training session. Despite vague symptoms like bloating and GI issues, her advanced-stage cancer was detected early.

Dr. Andrea Jewell, her oncologist, emphasized the lack of effective ovarian cancer screening methods and the importance of genetic testing.


Kristin Baker, Ovarian Cancer Patient

  • Kristin describes the surreal experience of discovering the fluid on herself and seeking a second opinion from her colleagues.
  • Kristin's treatment included chemotherapy and maintenance therapy with the PARP inhibitor Lynparza, which she completed after two years.
  • She currently shows no evidence of the disease.


Dr. Jewell, Division Director Ovarian and Gynecologic Cancers, The University of Kansas Health System  

  • Dr. Jewell explains the role of PARP inhibitors in maintaining remission by inhibiting DNA repair in cancer cells.
  • She highlights the importance of genetic testing for ovarian cancer patients and the potential for risk-reducing surgeries.
  • Dr. Jewell explains the common spread of ovarian cancer within the abdomen and the role of the peritoneum.

Tuesday March 4th is the next Morning Medical Update- Triple Negative Breast Cancer Battle- A young mom discovers a lump and learns she has triple negative breast cancer. She shares her journey and the supports she found from family, friends and faith.

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